
‘Underwater’ American homeowners still drowning in mortgage debt

Some homeowners are still reeling from the Great Recession and it may take 10 years to recover.
The percentage of homes underwater — where the home is worth less than the mortgage — has been dropping as the housing market has recovered, but more than 4 million U.S. homeowners owe the bank at least 20% more than their homes are worth, totaling $579 billion of so-called negative equity, according to real estate company Zillow. “Homeowners who remain underwater will likely […]


The house you live in probably a liability not an asset

Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) is possibly the most famous person to say it, but is bears repeating: Buying a house is not an investment unless you do it very, very consciously with the express purpose of buying a home worth investing in. A house that you live in is a liability in every sense of the word. Sure, it might be the most valuable thing that you own, but when it costs you money month after month, is […]


Rich Dad Scam #6: Your House is an Asset

It seems like every financial “expert” says, “Your house is your biggest asset.” When I wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad, I said that your house was a liability. That was like spraying water on a hornets’ nest. The so-called experts lambasted me. At the time, the real estate market was skyrocketing. Everyone called me a contrarian, out to sell books. Today, after one of the worst housing crashes in US history, they aren’t laughing anymore.
Recently, I’ve been writing a series […]